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Art within Art

One of the things I really like about painting and the arts, more generally, is the ability to experiment to recreate and rebirth through the creative process. It’s one place where it’s ok  and even accepted or appreciated  to not always be or do things  the same or do things “right”  but to just do freely. Variation, experimentation, change, “mistakes” it is all ok!    Just imagine a world where every adult could feel as free  “playing” as  children do! Adults could  continue  to have  the fun of a child forever! That is my love of art and the creative process!


There are times when the world looks dark and I just can’t see past it. That is one of the many times, I turn to my many paintbrush under the big sky outside. I put color to  canvas or to a board, and hope the sky will look clearer in a few hours, or at least more colorful. Amazingly, it usually works.

But  sometimes, or usually,  it takes a lot of paint, or at least a lot of paintbrushes!  

I usually don’t know where I will end up when I take the paintbrushes out, but I have found that very often I end up with a huge horizon in front me, with a giant sky and a giant ocean. And sometimes it feels as if the horizon needs a sun, a sunset that is (I live on the west coast, otherwise I think it would be a sunrise).

So, that is what happened here.

But , it often takes a lot of paint to get there, and that means a lot of paintbrushes.

So, here they are, here are all the paintbrushes. They are in the sea and in the sky and even in  the sun.  But it’s worth it.


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